Company authorities

Share capital: PLN 31,294,800 (paid up)
Shareholder: Bielsko-Biała Municipality 100% shareholding


  • Dariusz Mrzygłód
    Chief Executive Officer


  • Grzegorz Jania
    Commercial Director
  • Maciej Chrapkiewicz
    Chief Accountant


  • Jacek Biel
  • Zdzisław Dwornik
  • Edyta Kurczyna-Klimosz
  • Anna Nowak
  • Krzysztof Koziołek

Company structure

General Assembly
Supervisory Board

chairman of the board, chief executive officer

  • Health and Safety Inspector
  • representative Quality Management System
  • Data Protection Officer

Commercial Director

  • Marketing Department
  • Mountain Facilities Center
  • Hotel Szyndzielnia

Director at. Development and Infrastructure

  • Exhibition, Training and Innovation Department
  • Professional Development Center
  • Infrastructure Department

Chief Accountant

  • Accounting Department
  • Organization and Management Department

Company history

  • On June 1, 1974, the Center for the Implementation of Technical Progress in Power Engineering was put into operation. It was planned as a major center for specialized training of power engineers
  • On January 1, 1986, the center changed its name – it was transformed into the Department of Computer Science, Automation and Professional Development – ZIAD for short
  • On January 1, 1989, ZIAD became a state-owned enterprise
  • On July 1, 1997, ZIAD Bielsko-Biała and ZIAD Katowice became separate state-owned enterprises
  • On January 1, 1999, ZIAD Bielsko-Biała was municipalized
  • On May 1, 1999, ZIAD became a joint-stock company in which the Bielsko-Biała Municipality owns 100% of the shares

In 2018 r. our company was honored with the Golden Badge of Merit for the Silesian Province

June 2019. ZIAD Bielsko-Biała SA celebrated its 45th anniversary. Taking the opportunity of the anniversary, we produced a film that presents the relatively little-known history and rich achievements of our company in various areas of activity

Business object

PKD 82.30.Z – Activities related to the organization of trade fairs, exhibitions and conferences

Ownership structure

The company’s share capital is PLN 31,294,800
(in words: thirty-one million two hundred and ninety-four thousand eight hundred zlotys)

The sole shareholder of the company is the Municipality of Bielsko-Biala

Legal status

District Court in Bielsko-Biała, VI Economic Department, Registration Section – registered the company on June 1, 1999 under KRS No. 0000071046.

The company was formed as a conversion under Art. 68 Law of 30.08.1996. on commercialization and privatization of state-owned enterprises (, item 561, as amended).

Notarial deed dated 23.03.1999. On the transformation of the enterprise under the name Zakład Informatyki, Automatyki i Doskonalenia Zawodowego “ZIAD Bielsko-Biała” into a joint stock company.


Currently, there are no tenders.


The company owns the following assets:

  • Land properties located in Bielsko-Biała, in the area of Al. Armii Krajowej, ul. Karbowa and on the slopes of Mt. Dębowiec and Mt. Szyndzielnia with a total area of 250,057 sq. m – cat. Olszówka Górna, Kamienica and Wapienica. Buildings and structures on the premises of the Company’s headquarters located at al. Armii Krajowej 220 owned by the Company
  • of one residential unit at ul. Own. Cieśli in Bielsko-Biała
  • Building real estate and assets constituting the equipment of the “Pod Dębowcem” Campground, “Szyndzielnia” Cable Railway
  • The company’s assets also include land properties with a total area of 292,959 sq. m, located in Bielsko-Biała at Al. Armii Krajowej 220 and at ul. Own. Cieśli, owned by the Municipality of Bielsko-Biała and given in perpetual usufruct to “ZIAD Bielsko-Biała” until 2089.

Getting things done

A customer can arrange a matter at ZIAD Bielsko-Biała SA:

  • in person
  • By phone
  • email
  • by post

All reported cases are registered on the application log from which they are then decreed to the substantive units responsible for handling the case.
Employees handle cases on an ongoing basis, following the order in which the case is reported.
The goal of the procedures in place at the Company is to strive to handle reported cases without undue delay.

Personal information

Dear trainees!

We wanted to inform you that on February 2, 2020. there has been a breach in the availability and integrity of your personal data such as name, surname, PESEL number, date of birth, address of residence or stay.
This applies to those training at our Professional Development Center at ZIAD Bielsko-Biała SA between 2002 and January 2020. The above occurred as a result of malware with an unknown name, and the subsequent encryption of files on the Company’s server – the data was encrypted in such a way that it could not be accessed.
However, we have a paper version of them and therefore access to them is possible, but requires more time. From the information we have, it appears that the data was only encrypted (and not shared or used in any way by third parties).
In addition, we wanted to clarify that we do not process your personal data in the form of ID card series and number. Entering into a contract for credit, a contract with a telecommunications provider, etc., would require, in addition to the data that was attacked, the series and number of an identity card or other document with a photo as well as the physical presentation of that document at the conclusion of the contract.
Thus, your personal data that the Company processes is insufficient to enter into this type of contract. As a result of the data breach, the Company plans to increase system security (anti-virus, firewall programs), regularly monitor and test IT equipment, networks and infrastructure, continue to maintain a backup policy, and restrict access to files and folders containing personal data.
We have notified the President of the Data Protection Authority of the data breach, as well as the Police.
If you have any questions or would like to provide additional information in connection with the incident, please contact: p. Janusz Kubica, tel. +48 338138 251, e-mail:
The Company makes every effort to ensure that your personal data is processed in a way that guarantees its security. We assure you that the incident in question was incidental and resulted from an external action beyond the Company’s control.

We have made efforts to make the consequences of the violation as little as possible for you, nevertheless, we sincerely apologize for the entire incident.


al. Armii Krajowej 220

NIP: 547-16-39-980
REGON: 070844350
BDO: 000157697

Account No.: mBank 33 1140 1049 0000 3306 3300 1001

Phone. +48 33 8138215
FAX +48 33 8142231



1. share capital – PLN 31,294,800 (paid up)

2 Dematerialization of shares – as a result of the entry into force of the law on August 30, 2019. On amendments to the Law – Commercial Companies Code and certain other laws (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1798) by 31.12.2020 at the latest. all paper share ownership documents must be filed with the company in order to be converted to electronic form.
The validity of the share documents issued by the company shall expire by operation of law on January 1, 2021.” – Submission of share documents to the company shall be made against a written receipt issued to the shareholder.

For more information on the dematerialization of shares, please contact the Board of Directors’ Proxy for the Company. shareholder contact Marcin Borgiel.
Contact – tel. 33 8138 220, e-mail:

Date and content of the summons to deposit shares in the Company
Dates of subsequent calls – 20.10.2020, 10.11.2020, 01.12.2020, 29.12.2020.

3. shareholder register – Bielsko-Biala Municipality 100% shareholding
Resolution on the selection of an entity authorized to maintain a shareholder register
Regulations of the Register of Shareholders

4. general assemblies
Announcements about general meetings with detailed agenda, draft resolutions

5. shareholder register